You’ve heard the notion that these are uncertain times more than ever before in the past several weeks, and it’s because it rings true for so many individuals right now. Every person has had their life disrupted from the pandemic, and many are unsure of what the future holds.
As we all deal with the COVID-19 crisis, divorced parents face many unique challenges. Schools are closed and the kids are at home, all while you try to balance a parenting schedule with a former spouse.
Co-parenting is challenging alone under normal circumstances, but navigating a relationship with an ex during a pandemic is something completely different. We at the Gill Law Group understand that these are uncharted territories, and to help with that, we want to share our tips on how to navigate co-parenting during a time like this.
1. Set Some Ground Rules
Though it may have been difficult for you and your former spouse during your marriage, communication is critical. You guys don’t have to agree on EVERYTHING, that may be close to impossible, but you should find common ground on key issues. Agree on what steps each of you will take to protect your children from the virus, be honest about exposure, and have a plan in place for changing circumstances. In place of custodial exchanges, you can schedule daily FaceTime calls or postpone visitation to a later date. Come together and find a solution that’s best for your kids, and err on the side of caution. Right now, collaboration and cooperation will be critical.
2. Control Your Emotions
Tensions are high, and this can lead to lashing out, hurtful words, and regrettable behavior. Though it may be difficult to keep in mind, remember that you and your spouse must be doing everything you can for the best interest of your children. As more closures happen and shelter in place rules are enforced, your kids need both parents to be there for them. Now is not the time to fight.
3. Be Willing to Modify Child Support Orders
Many people have had to take a substantial pay cut or have lost their jobs completely— if this has happened to you or your ex, be compassionate. With the widespread unemployment, more people are modifying child support orders. If you have recently experienced a hit in your income, our attorneys are here to help. We can work together (remotely) so that your case is heard and justified.
Contact the Gill Law Group at (888) 392-1941 to begin your free virtual consultation today.